Highly Prepared Executives are High-Performing Executives.

Highly Prepared Executives are High-Performing Executives

Executive leadership can be the career opportunity of a lifetime, but even highly accomplished leaders can find themselves struggling to adjust to the demands and pace of executive leadership. It can feel like a new land, with no map, no guideposts, and you’re expected to quickly excel in a highly visible role you’ve never held before.

Executive leadership can be the career opportunity of a lifetime, but even highly accomplished leaders can find themselves struggling to adjust to the demands and pace of executive leadership. It can feel like a new land, with no map, no guideposts, and you’re expected to quickly excel in a highly visible role you’ve never held before.

in the Role of a lifetime


75% of C-level leaders say they lack confidence in their ability to lead big challenges

55% of new executives report missing critical skills when taking on their positions

Over 80% of new executives say they were not adequately prepared for their new roles

welcome to the club.

If you’re in an executive role and it’s not what you anticipated,





It’s hard to put your finger on what makes for an exceptional executive partner.

It’s hard to put your finger on what makes for an exceptional executive partner.

Traditional executive coaching and education primarily emphasize leadership development. I help executives excel where it matters most: achieving outstanding results, delivering strategic impact, and building enterprise value.

The best executives know the power of leveraging experienced partners who are rooting for you. Don’t go at this alone.

The best executives know the power of leveraging experienced partners. Don’t go at this alone.

I help executives lead great teams and organizations and show the best leaders how to get to the executive suite and thrive there.

Great organizations are led by great executives, and anyone can become great.  

Executive leadership is a complex, multi-dimensional world that expects exceptional results, outstanding performance, and so much more. This isn’t just a job, it’s an opportunity to lead at a level that few ever experience. No wonder so many executives describe feeling unprepared, because at this stage, there is only so much preparing you can do. The real learning starts once you’re in the seat.

Executive leadership is a complex, multi-dimensional world that expects exceptional results, outstanding performance, and so much more. This isn’t just a job, it’s an opportunity to lead at a level that few ever experience. No wonder so many executives describe feeling unprepared, because at this stage, there is only so much preparing you can do. The real learning starts once you’re in the seat.

“It’s lonely at the top” only scratches the surface 
“It’s lonely at the top” only scratches the surface.

I help executives lead great teams and organizations and show the best leaders how to get to the executive suite and thrive there.

Traditional executive coaching and education primarily emphasize leadership development. I help executives excel where it matters most: achieving outstanding results, delivering strategic impact, and building enterprise value.

Having someone you can trust, who understands what you’re trying to achieve, who celebrates your unique style of leading, who will challenge and inspire is how I operate. I’m the voice that says, you’re better than you think, you may not even be scratching the surface of what’s possible, let’s go, you can do this.

Having someone you can trust, who understands what you’re trying to achieve, who celebrates your unique style of leading, who will challenge and inspire is how I operate. I’m the voice that says, you’re better than you think, you may not even be scratching the surface of what’s possible, let’s go, you can do this.

- Jeff Tate, CFO, Dow

Thank you for all your guidance and partnership in this process. You are a game changer for me!

- Ravi Kumar, CEO, Cognizant

Your partnership has made a huge difference in preparing me for my role today. In a thoughtful and structured way, the customized plan we worked on together helped immensely to get me ready for my role.

- Kevin Campbell, CEO, Syniti

I see you as a key trusted partner in my leadership, and as an extension of my team – it has made an important difference to me.

- Stan Moss, CEO, Polen Capital

You’re able to add so much value for me and the Operating Committee. We could not have accomplished this nearly as quickly without you.

Welcome to the E•Suite
Lessons from an E•Suite Coach:
How to Excel in the Ivy League of the Workplace

Welcome to the E•Suite
Lessons from a E•Suite Coach:
How to Excel in the Ivy League of the Workplace

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Let’s make the most of it.
Landing an executive role is the opportunity of a lifetime.